Therapeutic Yoga

Online Yoga For Anyone, Anywhere

Therapeutic Yoga is a gentle approach to healing using the practice of yoga.

Alison is available for private or small group instruction in Ithaca, NY or online via Zoom.

Yoga Offerings

Individual Therapeutic Yoga

In these highly-tailored yoga sessions, Alison assesses for imbalances on physical, mental and/or emotional levels and offers practices for balance and wholeness.

Techniques may include:

  • Yoga poses

  • Meditation

  • Breath work

  • Mudras (hand gestures)

  • Personalized affirmations

  • Journaling prompts


Group Therapeutic Yoga

Experience the benefits of therapeutic yoga within a group setting! Practicing with others can deepen the therapeutic components of yoga while simultaneously decreasing isolation. Healing happens in community, explore this for yourself!