Release and Renew: Therapeutic Yoga for Softening Anxiety and Embracing Empowerment


In this 6 week group, explore the benefits of mindfulness and therapeutic yoga for soothing stress and anxiety. Each week, you’ll be guided through a trauma-informed beginner’s level gentle, therapeutic yoga practice (no prior yoga experience necessary) complemented with breathing techniques, guided imagery, meditations and reflections all with the intention of softening anxiety. Therapeutic yoga is a powerful practice, one that can shift the mind and body from fight or flight into a more relaxed, grounded state; a helpful ally in trying times. Practicing together in community can deepen the overall experience and benefits, explore for yourself!

Alison Christiansen is a licensed clinical social worker specialized in treating anxiety in trauma through somatic and mindfulness-based interventions. She has been teaching Kripalu Yoga for over 10 years and is passionate about sharing the therapeutic benefits of yoga with others.

For who?: Adults (18+) experiencing anxiety and willing to explore mindfulness-based practices to support themselves

Time: Tuesday’s 5:45-7:15pm

Dates: April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7

Location: 119 S. Cayuga St. Studio #303 Ithaca, NY

Limited to 6 participants

Price: $210 total ($35/class), sliding scale available

Expectation is to attend all sessions, though materials will be provided for any missed sessions.

If interested, please click below to “add to cart” and check-out - I will contact you directly to complete an intake form

Group Details:
This is primarily a skills-based group, though time will be provided for sharing your experiences of the yoga practice.

This is a closed group, meaning participants will not be added once we begin. This reinforces emotional safety and can deepen the group connection.

After each group, you will receive a handout with that day’s practices and explorations for the week

Themes include: Shifting Into Ease; Embracing the Here and Now; Befriending the Body; Choosing Empowering Thoughts; Balancing Giving and Receiving; and Cultivating Self-Compassion

Past participant testimonial:

“Alison led a beautiful 6-week course where I was able to not only disengage with my anxiety for our 75 minute sessions, but also cultivate longstanding self-compassion and self-love. It is very much possible to create a sense of community and a feeling of belonging through Zoom. Alison and all the others in the group made me feel heard and validated. I enjoyed all the yoga flows, poems, presentations, and long-distance reiki. The benefits of this group extend far beyond just coping with anxiety-- everyone can walk away learning something new about themselves through participating.”

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